E- Learning Courses
Distance learning courses as listed below can be supported if required by tutorials via the web.
- Application for chartership (CGeol) and preparation for Interview, please see below.
Suitable for those who seek guidance with their Application and assistance with preparing for their Interview.
- Mineral Particles and Earthworks
A 1hr video presentation, with downloadable handouts, coursework, and a 1hr recorded tutorial.
Suitable for geologists, geomorphologists, engineers both civil and environmental, and hydrogeologists, whose training to date contains no formal course in this subject and its relationship to Soil Mechanics and Ground Engineering.
Content covers the particle-void system, importance of mineralogy to soil behaviour, especially for clays, soil plasticity and activity, particle size
distribution and its relevance to the mechanics and hydraulic properties of soils, the classification of fine soil and associated laboratory techniques,
and the importance of soil description as distinct from soil classification.
Can be accessed at any time from any location, and eligible for a Certificate of Completion on submission of answers to coursework.
Course Provider: Charlie Price, BA, BAI, MSc, DIC, CEng, MICE, FEngNZ, CPEng (NZ)
Please contact us if you would like to do this course. (Tel.: 02077366889 or
email us: office@firststeps-geo.co.uk) COST £125 + VAT
- Understanding ground water levels
Establishing the fundamentals for defining water tables, piezometric levels, directions of groundwater flow and input for calculations of discharge and porewater pressures, and the differences between stand pipes and piezometres and their relative uses.
- An introduction to construction techniques
Providing an understanding of the roles in situ stress, porewater pressures, ground strength and permeability have on basic design and construction of surface and subsurface excavations including tunnels and shafts, foundations and retaining walls of various sorts, and embankments.
- The construction and validation of Ground Models
A series of exercises illustrating the logic and practice for using graphical constructions of solid geometry to provide solutions for boundaries, quantities and pressures relevant to groundworks and design.
As the above courses can be provided on an individual basis please let us know when one is of interest to you. (Tel.: 02077366889 or email us: office@firststeps-geo.co.uk)
A course to help you prepare for C.Geol
Dr Michael de Freitas CGeol
This course has been prepared for those who seek guidance with their Application and assistance with preparing for their Interview. Many Fellows need assistance with these aspects of the CGeol process and many find this assistance is not available to them. If that describes your position then this course could be for you.
The Introduction to the course is FREE, click on the film below this text, and allows you to judge for yourself whether it is what you want.
The course itself is in 3 PARTS:
- PART ONE Your Application;
- PART TWO The Competences and
- PART THREE Your Presentation and Interview
Michael de Freitas is a scrutiner for the Geological Society of London and a former Chairman of the Committee responsible for Chartership. He has Mentored many candidates and plays an active role in the Geological Society.

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