About us
Drs. Michael de Freitas and Christine Butenuth are both Chartered geologists who have for many years worked at University and within industry. During his time as Course Co-ordinator for the MSc in Engineering Geology at Imperial College, Michael saw the need to help many who were struggling to establish their career. It became increasingly clear to us that something should be done to help young people gain their first employment and to help those already in industry including those who seek a career change. So we founded this Company in 2000 with those thoughts in mind. First Steps continues in this vein, as well as undertaking research, publishing, and the development of statistical tools for use in ground engineering. It has now grown to include outreach focused on bringing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects used in industry to the attention of a broader public.
Michael de Freitas BSc., PhD., DIC., C.Geol., ROGEP 68302453
Reader Emeritus Engineering Geology, Imperial College London
Director First Steps Ltd.
Chartered Geologist, UK Registered Ground Engineering Adviser and specialist in geological processes governing geotechnical properties, groundwater flow, and the response of the ground to engineering, based on a career of teaching, research and consulting. Recent activities include teaching involvement with the Royal Engineers, Imperial College London and various geotechnical companies, research with The London Basin Forum and over 40 years consulting for both designers and contractors, ranging from assistance to major projects in the UK and overseas. Advice is also provided to local societies and individuals on such matters as wetness from groundwater, and issues of ground stability associated with the local construction of basements and groundwork in general.
For teaching and consulting services contact Michael on 0207 736 6889 or
email: office@firststeps-geo.co.uk
Christine Butenuth Dipl. Geol., PhD, DIC, C.Geol. and BSc (Hons) Math and Stat (Open), MBTI Practitioner
Honorary Research Associate, Imperial College London
Director First Steps Ltd.
Christine is a Chartered Geologist with over thirty years experience who is actively developing statistical tools for describing different types of geotechnical data for industry and developing programs of outreach focused on bringing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects used in industry to the attention of a broader public.
Being also a member of the Association of Business Mentors and the IOEE (Institute of Enterprise and Entrpreneurs) Christine actively supports individuals in career and business matters. Christine has been a Prince’s Trust mentor for the over 50's.
Christine is also a qualified MBTI practitioner Level 1 and 2.
For pursuing any of these lines for your own development
contact Christine on 0207 736 6889 or email: office@firststeps-geo.co.uk